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Genesys Core Rulebook Pdf Free Download Site Archive.4plebs.org

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

More threads:

* We're NOT affiliated with thetrove<dot>is, and CANNOT help with inquiries regarding that site.
* There is no crack for FOUNDRY VTT. Don't ask.

Anonymous No.77791469 Report

Anonymous No.77791495 Report

OldGeezer69 No.77791535 Report

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] Locus.jpg, 112KiB, 900x1276

Anonymous No.77791618 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Locus, please

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] OpenQuest 3e.png, 2MiB, 1000x1327

Anonymous No.77791683 Report

Is OpenQuest 3e already in the wilds?

Anonymous No.77791692 Report

Anonymous No.77791720 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77791722 Report

Quoted By:

Don't think it's been freed yet.
Maybe post req in a vola?

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] Under Hill By Water.png, 1MiB, 594x846

Anonymous No.77791723 Report

Does anyone have Under Hill, By Water?

OldGeezer69 No.77791756 Report

Quoted By:

The article states it was translated by the GM. So unless you can find them on Discord (as per the article)....

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] Otherworlds Zero.jpg, 326KiB, 1000x1294

Anonymous No.77791774 Report

Requesting Otherworlds Zero, please

OldGeezer69 No.77791813 Report

Only copy I have is in the original Japanese, btw

Anonymous No.77791894 Report

just saw it is in the dusty shelf

Anonymous No.77791903 Report

Trudvang Chronicles:
Runes of Memory
Curse of Runes

Anonymous No.77791969 Report

Quoted By:

anyone know of some good dungeondraft asset packs and where to get em?

Anonymous No.77791969,1 ReportDelete

Quoted By:

looking for Deepnight Revelation Expansion 5 - Voidshore [2020]

Thanks in advance

Anonymous No.77792700 Report

I'm looking for Jackals by Osprey & The Blue Rose Adventurer's Guide for 5e

mageguru !1mpu.dpn.g No.77792723 Report

Anonymous No.77794039 Report

All the Rebrand.ly troves are giving me "502 Bad Gateway" does anyone know when they'll be back up?

Anonymous No.77794082 Report

that's not rebrand but allsync

Anonymous No.77794175 Report

Where does OG69 usually drop his cleaned stuff at?

Anonymous No.77794202 Report

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 1345106658923.jpg, 69KiB, 800x600

Anonymous No.77794232 Report

Quoted By:

A big ol' thanks to folks who do the uploads.

Anonymous No.77794302 Report

I submitted some pdfs to the first cleaner listed on the FAQ a few days ago (R*D*). I haven't seen the cleaned versions posted anywhere. How long does cleaning usually take? Is that one still active?

Anonymous No.77794358 Report

Quoted By:

I don't know why Vincent doesn't make the quickstart free. He wrote Apocalypse World and gives away the 1st Ed for free, but not this. It's odd.

Anonymous No.77794385 Report

Quoted By:

I'm curious if its just a matter of decrypting the pdf and editing the watermarks or if it's more complicated than that.

Anonymous No.77794584 Report

Sure, but does anyone know why these troves are all down, and if they're likely to come back up anytime soon.

Anonymous No.77794657 Report

Quoted By:

Just get used to it. Allsync does go bonkers from time to time.

Anonymous No.77794691 Report

you've already been told, it's allsync. the troves that use different hosts are still up. and if you don't know about allsync's regular problems you need to lurk moar.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace TheSkyIsFalling.png, 60KiB, 312x291

Anonymous No.77794826 Report

Quoted By:

>when they'll be back up?
> likely to come back up anytime soon.

never... Never...! NEVER!

Anonymous No.77794897 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting WARPS

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Large_Bear_Trap.png, 46KiB, 256x256

Anonymous No.77795743 Report

Looking for Cube World #26 - Meat On The Table

I've seen it requested, along with the other Cube World #12+ in the archive, but no replies

Anonymous No.77795929 Report

not realizing new people come everyday and follow the directions and get an error no fault of their own and are expected to know alternatives that are bot in the instructions....

trash thread full of elitists.

Anonymous No.77796185 Report

Quoted By:

While allsync is down, would some kind Anon please put Delta Green's Impossible Landscapes & Static Protocol in a vola room? Thank you!

Anonymous No.77797664 Report

You know where the exit is. Don't let the door hit your ass on your way out.

Anonymous No.77798205 Report

Can anyone share the final download of The Contagion Chronicles for Chronicles of Darkness?

Please and thanks.

Anonymous No.77798207 Report

You are correct. This is why I rarely visit TG and make no contributions to the troves.

Anonymous No.77798218 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77798590 Report

Quoted By:


Thanks to whoever shared on Dusty Shelf.

However, I was looked for the final pdf of The Contagion Chronicles with the errata if anyone has it.

Thanks again.

Anonymous No.77798650 Report

Requesting Grimdark rules for 5e, please.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Cthulhu Mythos Sagas - Dark Worlds.jpg, 182KiB, 1084x1084

Anonymous No.77798731 Report

Quoted By:

- "Tools of War" by Kobold Press
- Cthulhu Mythos Sagas - Dark Worlds Vol.1-4

Anonymous No.77798869 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone have a file share of black library novels?

Anonymous No.77798903 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Lion Rampant: The Crusader States

Anonymous No.77799072 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77799251 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone have a copy of the Orbital book they can share? Thanks!

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] Guildkeeping Campaigns (...).png, 52KiB, 140x181

Anonymous No.77799390 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Guildkeeping: Campaigns and Conspiracies in Ravnica. Pretty please.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 51H2JvgwLzL._SX350_BO1,204,203,2 (...).jpg, 36KiB, 352x499

Anonymous No.77800708 Report

Hi does anyone have the Dark Souls TRPG.
Ideally translated into english.

OldGeezer69 No.77800739 Report

Anonymous No.77800762 Report

Second the request for Jackals by Osprey

Anonymous No.77800871 Report

Sorry, I've been reading a lot of threads trying to find this, got confused and thought that >>77791692 post was from an archived one.

Please link to the untranslated one if you can. Thanks.

Anonymous No.77800896 Report

Anonymous No.77800896,1 ReportDelete

Quoted By:

Humbly asking for VTT Map+Token Pack: DCC #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea

Anonymous No.77800992 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77801061 Report

Quoted By:

lurk moar, you impatient ass. shit's back up and all you had to do is wait.

Anonymous No.77801217 Report

Your presence and contributions are not missed.

Anonymous No.77801261 Report

Quoted By:

don't feed the troll

Anonymous No.77801289 Report

it really is counter-intuitive to the entitre purpose of the thread.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] 4AD - Forest of the Sp (...).jpg, 78KiB, 510x660

Anonymous No.77801396 Report

Requesting 4AD - Forest of the Spider Queen

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] 4AD - Lamentations of (...).jpg, 72KiB, 510x660

Anonymous No.77801428 Report

Requesting 4AD - Lamentations of the Marsh Hag

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] 4AD - The Lantern, Iss (...).jpg, 54KiB, 373x550

Anonymous No.77801467 Report

Requesting 4AD - The Lantern, Issue One

Anonymous No.77801816 Report

Seconding Tome of Alchemy (PFRPG 1e).

Anonymous No.77801863 Report

Quoted By:

The Bones of Kalkratha: An Adventure for DnD 5th Edition


Requesting this 5e Kenku/Tengu adventure from Dark Realm Maps. TIA

Anonymous No.77801920 Report

still up on TheDustyShelf

Anonymous No.77801974 Report

Quoted By:

Woohoo! Thanks, kind Anon! And to the generous contributor.

Props to the awesome Carse for posting/cleaning it!

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace midderlands 5e.jpg, 88KiB, 900x1166

Anonymous No.77802046 Report

requesting "The Midderlands" for 5e. looks like Frog God Games licensed this version.

also, Bytee has all the OSR versions of this book.

thanks, friends.

Anonymous No.77802174 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Spheres Bestiary: Undead and the Immortal Forlorn ..... Pathfinder 1st edition

Anonymous No.77802804 Report

Quoted By:

>* There is no crack for FOUNDRY VTT. Don't ask.
But if we don't ask, we'll never be informed when there finally is one desu.

Anonymous No.77802890 Report

Anyone that has the latest Dungeondraft? The one in The Annex is, but is apparently out.

Anonymous No.77802963 Report

still on TheDustyShelf

Anonymous No.77804426 Report

Can anyone post the OSR document? ( for password info purposes)

Anonymous No.77804502 Report

Quoted By:

Look in Da Curated.

Anonymous No.77804536 Report

Would any of you fine folk have a copy of either of these new-ish 5e zines from DM's Guild to share? Published by Crit Academy

* Unearthed Tips and Tricks Monthly: Issue 1 October 2020
* Unearthed Tips and Tricks Monthly: Issue 2 November 2020

Anonymous No.77804795 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for Suldokar's Wake.

Anonymous No.77804846 Report

#1 is on /OGL-d20

Anonymous No.77805337 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77805379 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77806451 Report

Quoted By:

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace q3dg4w3er.jpg, 144KiB, 900x1166

Anonymous No.77807831 Report

Quoted By:

looking for Eye of Itral (PF1) by Frog God Games - an adventure module.

Anonymous No.77808257 Report

Quoted By:

A humble request for 'Fighters Unlimited (5e)' by Legendary Games.
Helps expand the options for the 5e Fighter class. Thx!

Anonymous No.77808830 Report

Quoted By:

An odd and probably obscure request, gents: does anyone happen to have the oef or scans of Fable Anniversary: Prima Official Game Guide? It came out in late 2013/early 2014, and is about 320 pages.
Thanks for any help, bros!

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace ellefson workbook.jpg, 35KiB, 369x499

Anonymous No.77809245 Report

Quoted By:

The Art of World Building Workbook - Fantasy Edition by Randy Ellefson.
Couldn't find it in /worldbuilding

Anonymous No.77809480 Report

Would like a share of Midderlands 5E also.

Anonymous No.77809625 Report

OSR Trove down for anybody else?

Anonymous No.77809651 Report

Anonymous No.77809682 Report

Quoted By:

Was this guy (>>77804426) a copyrightlord?

Anonymous No.77809714 Report

Quoted By:

Thanks. Hope it comes back online at some point.

Anonymous No.77809797 Report

Temple or Castle, take your pick.

Anonymous No.77809814 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77809902 Report

Anonymous No.77811001 Report

Quoted By:

Humbly (and bearing little hope) requesting DDAL Oracle of War - The Complete First Year map pack from DM's Guild

Anonymous No.77811137 Report

anyone got the more expanded or updated ver. of this?
i hear stormforge production got sigils too

Anonymous No.77812171 Report

Quoted By:

Does anyone have Arcardia #2? Not in OGL or any v0la.

Anonymous No.77812230 Report

O-S-R Trove down?

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] 5ed - The Book of Fien (...).jpg, 262KiB, 653x852

Sir Lupino No.77812599 Report

In search of 5ed - The Book of Fiends by Robert J Schwalb

Anonymous No.77813117 Report

2nd row from the top, on theDustyShelf.


Anonymous No.77813117,1 ReportDelete

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77813117,2 ReportDelete

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77815654 Report

Where can I find Warhammer 40k Wrath and Glory corebook, cards and supplements?

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 4a9123edce86ae53ddcf28e7bfc73817.jpg, 144KiB, 1000x750

Anonymous No.77816019 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77816366 Report

Allsync is being temperamental again. Just wait a day or so.

Anonymous No.77816389 Report

Requesting Brancalonia: The Macaronicon in English, please.

Anonymous No.77816620 Report

I found it on /OGL-d20

Anonymous No.77817027 Report

Quoted By:

Thanks, anon. Much obliged.

Have you checked the Warhammer 40K general thread that's usually up on /tg/? It has that kind of stuff in its OP.

Anonymous No.77817192 Report

Has Suldokar's Wake for White Hack been liberated?

Anonymous No.77817216 Report

Tried OSR trove..but link is down, will try again in a couple of days.

Anonymous No.77818717 Report

Quoted By:

The Sentinel Comics Rpg came out right? Anybody have a copy?

Anonymous No.77818729 Report

That one's not on allsync for a change.

Anonymous No.77818809 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone have any of the more recent Worlds Without Number betas? Latest I can find is .15

Anonymous No.77818984 Report

It most certainly is.

Anonymous No.77819198 Report

The OSR trove down? Link not working

Anonymous No.77819198,1 ReportDelete

Quoted By:

Is there a trove for map packs? Especially for scifi or cyberpunk settings

Anonymous No.77819801 Report

Quoted By:

Yes, been down at least 12 hours. Looks like no word from Bytee yet either.

Anonymous No.77819827 Report

Quoted By:

It most certainly is not allsync's fault. I'm as surprised as you are, but this one is indeed not on allsync.

Anonymous No.77821293 Report

Looking for newest Spheres file for PF1 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/348535/Spheres-Bestiary-Magical-Beasts-and-Climactic-Encounters

Also looking or these by Drop Dead:
Spheres GM's Screen
Spheres Bestiary Undead and Immortal Forlorn
Spheres Apocrypha:
-protokinesis feats
-beastfolk race variants
-expanded alteration options
-inheritor and improved atavism heritages
-radiant & righteous

Anonymous No.77822055 Report

Quoted By:

Bytee No.77823259 Report

Link/pw expired overnight and I had an appointment earlier.
Sorry, but the only Hack anything you'll find in O-S-R is Hackmaster.

Anonymous No.77823338 Report

Thirding the call for Jackals

Anonymous No.77823768 Report

There's almost no art in this book whatsoever. Really disappointed in it.

Anonymous No.77823966 Report

I don't think you'll find its the final book

Anonymous No.77823987 Report

Quoted By:

you should lurk moar and comment a lot less

Anonymous No.77824216 Report

Quoted By:

+1'ing these Drop Dead Studio books for PFRPG.

Anonymous No.77824252 Report


Can somebody please clue me on how to get to the dusty shelf? like an actual clue if it's not a link you share

Anonymous No.77824328 Report

It's a vola room.

Download the OP pdf, follow the links to the sharethread docs.

Read Them.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 1548345487009.jpg, 131KiB, 800x800

Anonymous No.77824383 Report

OldDarb No.77824449 Report

Agreed. "Interior Artwork" and "Cartography" are both credited as "[TBD]". (Furthermore, "Proofreading" is credited as "[TDB]" (sic) and the Open Gaming License is headlined "Table of Contents".) Hopefully it's not the finished product.

Anonymous No.77824539 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77824596 Report

Is there a Scion 2e trove about? Looked in the usually places but can't see it. Is it just under something weird?

Anonymous No.77824879 Report

Not really a trove, per se, but there's a large archive of it on the shelf for about 20 more hours. Additionally, the "Kid-Friendly RPG" trove has quite a bit.

Anonymous No.77824936 Report

Quoted By:

Thanks a lot, anon!

Anonymous No.77825614 Report

Probably a long-shot, but requesting Ultimate Arcane Spellbook by Mongoose, please. Thank you.

Anonymous No.77825689 Report

I *think* its in the scanning pile

Anonymous No.77825822 Report

Quoted By:

Something to look forward to then.Thanks!

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace a02ef8526951847a29a9db19b864c8de (...).png, 2MiB, 1552x873

Anonymous No.77825970 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Fellowship: Book 4: Generous Fellowship
Any materials (kickstarter): playbook, set pieces, threats.

Anonymous No.77827490 Report

Quoted By:


thirding Midderlands!

Anonymous No.77829281 Report

Anybody got impossible landscapes?

Anonymous No.77830537 Report

Quoted By:

DG folder in the /Cthulhu collection.

Anonymous No.77831039 Report

Quoted By:

Can anyone point me to the Whitehack trove?

Anonymous No.77831967 Report

Quoted By:

any anon have Bird in the Hand for Mythras Monster Island?

Anonymous No.77832461 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone have the 80-page version of InSpectres? I can only find a 40-page version... TIA

Anonymous No.77833407 Report

Quoted By:

Please consider this a most humble request for the 5e version of Highfell - The Drifting Dungeon.

Anonymous No.77833690 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77834409 Report

Quoted By:


It's not the final product. That's an almost 1 year old WIP version.

You can check the status of the project on "gameontabletop.com". It was funded there.

Anonymous No.77834801 Report


What's the new PW? Old one doesn't seem to work.

Anonymous No.77835044 Report

>Going forward, the login info will be in Curated. Please don't share the login info outside of referring to Curated. The public wantlist does more harm than good at this point but will remain within the Rchive, for those who want to contribute. Thanks all!

Anonymous No.77835086 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77835815 Report


I think, like this Anon, I have most of the other Trudvang Chronicles PDFs (player's book, GM's book, monster manual, two lorebooks and four adventures).
I've cobbled them together from three different places online since (to the best of my knowledge) there isn't one address that has all of the material that is currently floating around.

Is it possible and/or advisable to just have them all in one trove? There's already a mega, with a convenient redirect, for the system but it currently has just one file in it. I think it would help if that mega had the rest of the PDFs but I don't know anything about curation and how things are managed.

I also understand that some Anon has submitted more material about this system for cleaning, so I think it's pretty ripe for it's own convenient trove.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Repository.png, 100KiB, 600x813

mageguru !1mpu.dpn.g No.77835828 Report

Anonymous No.77836238 Report

requesting Hot War

Anonymous No.77836454 Report

Quoted By:

Alright, cheers.

Anonymous No.77836454,1 ReportDelete

Quoted By:

Is it possible to share foundry premium modules?

Anonymous No.77837181 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77837673 Report

Didn't that become The Runed Age down the line? I may be mixing them up due to the focus on rune magic.

Anonymous No.77837891 Report

Thanks for the Trudvang stuff!

SomeGuy No.77837999 Report

Quoted By:

Is there a link to any good Cyberpunk 3d files? Looking to get minis for a Shadowrun game.

Anonymous No.77838030 Report

How do I get to it?

Anonymous No.77838065 Report

Quoted By:


It's not the final version. It's an almost one year old WIP.

Check the status of the book on "gameontabletop.com"

Anonymous No.77838081 Report

Look at the correct repository on the image I replied to.

Anonymous No.77838504 Report

Quoted By:

so i hear from an anon round here
got anymore like this focusing on more like programming script?

Anonymous No.77838532 Report


Jesus H. Titty Fucking Christ... Do you want us to read the instructions aloud to you? Or maybe should we type the address into your browser? The man kindly posted all the information you need. At least make some effort in return instead of being a lazy waste of skin.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 1593432923785.gif, 567KiB, 1155x1080

Anonymous No.77839072 Report

Anonymous No.77840439 Report

Can anybody share The Expanse RPG? Just wanted to give it a look. Thank You in advance.

Anonymous No.77840479 Report

Quoted By:

Still on TheDustyShelf for a day

Anonymous No.77840940 Report

Looking for Whitehack 3rd edition, can't find it anywhere.
I checked all the troves before posting....

Anonymous No.77841069 Report

Still on TheDustyShelf

Anonymous No.77841208 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you, I've only tried about half of the "v0l4" before giving up!

Anonymous No.77841262 Report

Thank you, I got it.
It's not immediately apparent how each one of these sites is organized and everything has a slightly different system. I was looking for a place called the repository thinking if I get there, I'd find folders to navigate. Instead each one of those 'folders' I imagined is a different location in itself. On top of that, what I was looking for isn't in it's own location yet, it's in some general 'inbox' for the moment. Which also wasn't immediately apparent because I didn't know how the system worked.

Look I managed to gather some things and send them in myself because I want to help with the effort. This necessary and convoluted system of puzzles and breadcrumbs is confusing, at least at first. It's not helping that thread posts refer to most things in shorthand that's bordering on jargon, which is like an added layer of encryption. Every time I think I manged to crack the code and figure things out, there's another new thing I haven't yet figured out... and then I figure that out as well. If the goal is to share these things and keep them hidden from bots then it means dealing with a barrage of repeated stupid questions from newcomers.

>Yes please, and could you suck me off while you download the files for me, too?

Anonymous No.77842180 Report

Quoted By:

>suck me off while you download the files for me, too?
Anon slash Anon fiction on /tg/?

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace lovecraft_bestiary.jpg, 148KiB, 899x1164

Anonymous No.77842334 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for this new 5e bestiary by Legendary Games: Mythos Monsters (5E) ... TIA!

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace overlight.jpg, 210KiB, 1000x1282

Anonymous No.77844330 Report

Has Overlight ever been shared anywhere?

Anonymous No.77844548 Report

Quoted By:

looking for Theros Campaign Handbook and The Book of Myth - Theros Player Companion

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] Lex Arcana.jpg, 202KiB, 930x1205

Anonymous No.77844751 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Lex Arcana and everything release for it, if possible, please.

Anonymous No.77846616 Report

where i find pass to OSR trv?

Anonymous No.77846742 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Halpi's rift the kings of war campaign supplement please.

Anonymous No.77846821 Report

Quoted By:

sharepdf thread, read it.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace dopus_YqpTi2dRiH.png, 13KiB, 394x134

The Nu-SR archivist No.77847905 Report

I'm doing a donation pass with my repos, and spotted a donation that included an empty directory. I believe it's the awesomeAnon that has single-handedly filled most of Nu-SR with their donations, so that's not a complaint, just a heads-up.

Stay safe anons, make sure you're healthy.

Anonymous No.77848358 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77848392 Report

Dusty Shelf

Anonymous No.77849796 Report

Yes. Uploaded it to the Dusty Shelf. Also uploaded The Ivory Mausoleum.

Anonymous No.77852058 Report

Anonymous No.77854725 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting that you try looking first. There's a "World of Darkness / Chronicles of Darkness Exalted" trove listed in Da Curated Archive.

Anonymous No.77856118 Report

Quoted By:

Added french Pendragon 3e Corebook. French Pendragon books are a bitch and a half to find (I checked da Archive and IRC). I'll appreciate any help!

Anonymous No.77856186 Report

Quoted By:

>Come back to /tg/ after a while
>"I should check da Archive"
>Power through mild mental retardation and get to da Archive and the IRC channel
>See how much stuff has been added
>Megasync: 2103 downloads remaining

I can't believe that not only is there a Ralph Bakshi's Wizards RPG, but also several supplements, and on top of that it's entirely uploaded. Bless you all my brothers. Your ancestors are smiling at you. I'll add what I can

Anonymous No.77856464 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77856557 Report

Quoted By:


Thank you donator(s) and archivist for all you do.
One of my favorite collections around here.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 91nVdKXB7dL._AC_SL1500_.jpg, 416KiB, 1130x1500

Anonymous No.77856939 Report

Could someone please help me find a pdf of " Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition" published by Fantasy Flight?

I've looked in the mega, the reshared, and a half dozen troves without luck.

Anonymous No.77856970 Report

Requesting the release candidate for Worlds Without Number released on 23/02/2021.
The betas have been removed from the google drive. Thanks.

Anonymous No.77857411 Report

Look in Da Curated Archive under OSR

Anonymous No.77857416 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you, kid sir

Anonymous No.77857535 Report

Quoted By:

Thank you, kind sir

Anonymous No.77857869 Report

I remember reading a Sci-Fi system, where one of the main features was the fact that you have two categories of stats, one for your current body and another integral to your Personality. While you can switch or lose bodies and thus first stats will change a lot, the second stats affected your ability to properly utilize your body and governed other non-physical aspects.

Problem is that I completely forgot the name of this system, and I don't know where to ask. Maybe someone can help me?

Anonymous No.77858011 Report

Sounds like Eclipse Phase, but I'd guess there are a few transhuman rpgs that do it when changing morphs/sleeves.

Anonymous No.77858014 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77858115 Report

Is thetrove (dot) is safe to use, or is it some sort of honeypot or something? I'm not sure how it hasn't been DMCA'd into oblivion by now.

Anonymous No.77858234 Report

Quoted By:

It's based in Iceland, they dgaf about copyright jibbajabba

Anonymous No.77858538 Report

I haven't been keeping up. Did you guys find a copy of Arcadia #2?

Anonymous No.77858580 Report

its up on /OGL-d20

Anonymous No.77858639 Report

With all due respect, very little is "found". It usually starts with a donor.

Anonymous No.77859741 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting manuscript for Victorian Age: Mage

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] The Solo Adventurer's (...).jpg, 148KiB, 900x1165

Anonymous No.77860107 Report

Quoted By:

Kindly requesting The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox Part Two - The Toolbox Expanded. Thanks in advance

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace secrets under stone.jpg, 259KiB, 897x1273

Anonymous No.77860190 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77860229 Report

Might I ask what that is? Can't find the link

Anonymous No.77860298 Report

Anonymous No.77860344 Report

I haven't played or read it, but that sounds like it could be the Altered Carbon RPG?

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 61AUTW0RVvL._SX258_BO1,204,203,2 (...).jpg, 29KiB, 260x335

Anonymous No.77861246 Report

Hey guys, anyone have the "A Song of Ice and Fire roleplaying" ?

Thanks in advance

Anonymous No.77861454 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77862175 Report

Quoted By:

Fair point. I guess that'd be a better wording in the future, "has anyone donated..." etc.

Anonymous No.77862268 Report

it's in Da Archive

Anonymous No.77862318 Report

The first thing that comes to mind is Eclipse Phase; it does precisely that. It is found in Da Archive — I recommend 2nd edition.

But, like other anon stated, Altered Carbon does something similar. I couldn't find it in Da (Curated) Archive but I have it. If you wish, I can post in The Dusty Shelf.

Anonymous No.77862338 Report

Quoted By:

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] Lex Arcana - Beyond th (...).jpg, 58KiB, 697x900

Anonymous No.77862371 Report

Does anyone have "Beyond the Limes" for Lex Arcana? It's the only book left for me (all the others are in The Dusty Shelf now)

Anonymous No.77862387 Report

Quoted By:

Dumb me! I just noticed this one is free on Drive Thru!

Anonymous No.77863662 Report

Does anyone have the latest version of dungeondraft?

Anonymous No.77863854 Report

FFG doesn't produce OEFs of their books.
For a pdf of the 30th Anniversary edition, someone would need to contribute it for scanning.
There is no effective difference (no additional material) between that edition and the 1987 edition available in the relevant collection (also available for free elsewhere).

Anonymous No.77863898 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77863935 Report


I've checked both and while Eclipse Phase does look somewhat similar to that I've described, I don't think that's it. I think the system I remember came out a few years ago (maybe 4 at this point), maybe from Kickstarter or something. I was reading sample rules and overall it felt lighter with a less depressing tone and the art was lighter and maybe more colourful. I can remember the layout to be quite nice with good use of images, colour and spacing. Sorry for such a vague description, it just really stuck in the back of my head.

But, anyway, thanks for the suggestions you gave me, I'll read them too.

Anonymous No.77864100 Report

Mmm, perhaps... Nova Praxis? There's a version for FATE and another for Savage Worlds.

Or maybe... Mindjammer? There's a version for FATE and another for Traveller.

Both of them have beautiful colourscapes in their art styles (but I don't know about being less depressing) and they both feature resleeving (changing body and stuff).

Anonymous No.77864388 Report

there's also The Sprawl and The Veil, both of them being Powered by the Apocalypse games.

Interface Zero is another one for Savage Worlds.

Shadow of the Beanstalk is a setting for Genesys.

Synthicide, Technoir and Neon City Overdrive are very nice cyberpunk games too.

But I don't think any of them has resleeving.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace From Nightmares cover.jpg, 127KiB, 900x1165

Anonymous No.77865635 Report

Requesting Through the Breach - From Nightmares

Anonymous No.77865763 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77866363 Report

Quoted By:


I'll try to check them all out. Only one thing to add, the game I remember was definitely Space Sci-fi and not just cyberpunk.

Anonymous No.77866840 Report

any word on where one could obtain the lost omens ancestry guide?

Anonymous No.77866884 Report

Requesting : White Hack

The link in Da Archive does not work anymore, actually the link work, but I can't download shit from UC.


Anonymous No.77866937 Report

/OGL-d20 is one place

Anonymous No.77866980 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77867435 Report

Trying to find Metahuman Martial Arts for M&M by Misfit Studios. Specifically the 2e version.
Every Trove or stash has the 3e version but finding any of their older shit is a nightmare.

Anonymous No.77867535 Report

Quoted By:

e2 kcahetihW

Anonymous No.77867596 Report

Anonymous No.77867677 Report

Just jump onto one of the volas, rather than give someone money by grabbing their download.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 0DDD2160-2D49-477A-AFE6-15952DE7 (...).png, 1MiB, 900x1164

Anonymous No.77867709 Report

Requesting Wally DM's Journal of Puzzle Encounters

Anonymous No.77867748 Report

Its on /OGL-d20

Anonymous No.77867857 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77867960 Report

Quoted By:

>or /Nu-SR (The contents in it's entry in Da Curated Archive includes "multiple Hack systems" for precisely that reason.)

Anonymous No.77867972 Report

Quoted By:

anyone have the pdfs of the new FANTASY AGEPLAY TEST currenlty running??

Anonymous No.77868212 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77868784 Report

Quoted By:

what's the password for the OVA trove?

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace ~ halfling Dio 'we rock!'.jpg, 19KiB, 307x387

Bytee No.77868989 Report

Quoted By:

Uploaded a sizable heap of goodies to /O-S-R!
The ~ Recent Updates note will have the specifics, login's in Da Curated Archive.
Many thanks to those who do the buying! You dudes rock!

Anonymous No.77871009 Report

Looking for 'Norse Grimoire for 5th Edition' by Mana Proiject Studio.


Anonymous No.77871380 Report

Quoted By:

could it have been Amazing Engine?

Anonymous No.77871417 Report

But the cover art says West End Games, anon.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Little Man.jpg, 451KiB, 2400x3487

Anonymous No.77871573 Report

Before I cave and end up buying it myself, has anyone uploaded the new pathfinder 2e ancestry guide anywhere?

CityofCarse No.77871587 Report

Quoted By:

suit yourself, but it's been in multiple volas and troves since 2/27

Anonymous No.77872953 Report

Quoted By:

Which should be your first clue that they have nothing to do with the 30th anniversary version. WEG was dead looooong before that version was published by FFG (and licensed from Disney...ensuring there will never be an OEF release.)

Anonymous No.77873652 Report

Quoted By:

>Oh, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're walking closer?

Anonymous No.77873655 Report

Quoted By:

requesting corporation core rules

Anonymous No.77873656 Report

does anyone have ICONS Assembled?

Anonymous No.77874117 Report

Quoted By:


View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace 61EYKuKVCSL._AC_SL1024_.jpg, 103KiB, 692x1024

Anonymous No.77874726 Report

anyone know where I can find Band of Blades? Saw it was posted in da graveyard last thread but that's been expired for a while by now

Anonymous No.77874972 Report

Quoted By:

curated archive
look for the system

Anonymous No.77874994 Report

Quoted By:

Nova Praxis?
comes in Fate & Savage Worlds flavours

Anonymous No.77875044 Report

Quoted By:

There was a KS in 2015 for Posthuman Pathways.
Which is now nyop on itch.io

But I dont think it is the one you are thinking of, just mentioned it since we are naming transhumanist games...

Anonymous No.77875200 Report

FFG reprinted the two West End Games books.
A quick and simple search easily reveals that.

Anonymous No.77875730 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for any of the current Grim Hollow Player's Guide Playtests.

PDF beta should be dropping soon so they should be available

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace GRR9694_AstonishingAdventures_To (...).jpg, 58KiB, 464x600

Anonymous No.77875792 Report

Quoted By:

I would like to request Astonishing Adventures: To the Moon! for Mutants and Masterminds 3e please

Anonymous No.77876219 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Complete DM's Bundle from Eventyr Games


Thanks in advance

Anonymous No.77877141 Report

Nothing is going to change this fact:

Anonymous No.77877640 Report

Stupid question, what's an OEF?

Anonymous No.77878077 Report

Google is your friend.

Original electronic format:

These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality.

Anonymous No.77878615 Report

Quoted By:

has Jackals by Osprey been liberated?

Anonymous No.77880286 Report

>FFG doesn't produce OEFs of their books.
Due to licensing restrictions with Disney, the Star Wars game lines were the only ones that expressly couldn't (and didn't) have OEF versions. This is most likely not going to change...now that they're publishing as Edge Studios.

FFG did release OEF versions of all their other books, they just usually waited a few months after the physical release.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace L'Ultima Torcia.jpg, 35KiB, 246x350

Anonymous No.77880447 Report

Does anyone have the Italian supplements for L'Ultima Torcia? The English edition (The Last Torch) only has a handful of books released yet)

Anonymous No.77880554 Report

Has anyone shared the DG Agent's Handbook with the latest 2021 round of errata?

Anonymous No.77880631 Report

Just uploaded both the Agent's and Handler's books in the Dusty Shelf (with 2021 update)

Anonymous No.77880645 Report

Quoted By:

sweet, thanks, just saw them pop up before your reply and was worried I didn't look hard enough

Anonymous No.77880671 Report

Quoted By:


Has that game ever been shared here?

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Skies of Sordane.jpg, 199KiB, 720x720

Anonymous No.77880698 Report

Looking for Airship Campaigns by Arcane Minis.

Anonymous No.77880737 Report

its on /OGL-d20

Anonymous No.77880898 Report

Quoted By:

oh wow didn't even know about that trove. Thanks!

Anonymous No.77880954 Report

okdokey, let us know if you find it in the FFG trove.

Anonymous No.77880997 Report

it is a reprint, no changes to the original except an additional cover logo.

Anonymous No.77881053 Report

Quoted By:

There is a trove with all of it lol

Anonymous No.77881148 Report

Maybe try looking in Da Curated Archive for "Star Wars" instead of "Fantasy Flight Games"...or you can continue making yourself look like an idiot.

Anonymous No.77881369 Report

I don;t know why this is too hard to understand for some people. Yes, WEG published the original Star Wars RPG in 1987...but they went out of business in 2003. So common sense should tell anyone that they have nothing to do with the 2018 reprint (note: REPRINT...so the covers are largely the same) that FFG published.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace TPK_Handbook_Front_Cover-768x987.jpg, 314KiB, 768x987

Anonymous No.77881500 Report

Quoted By:

Anyone know where to find a copy of The Total Party Kill Handbook: 5th Edition Encounters and Traps?

Anonymous No.77881627 Report

>the covers are largely the same
As is everything else. But you've already been told that.

Anonymous No.77881667 Report

Google may be my friend, but it just wanted to teach me about Operation Enduring Freedom.

Anonymous No.77881833 Report

>But you've already been told that.
Did you not read what I typed or did you not understand that I literally stated that it is just a reprint? Learn to read.

Anonymous No.77881955 Report

And people have told you that there is no OEF of that reprint and that it's virtually identical to the original. They also told you where to find a scan of said original. If you want a scan of the virtually identical reprint then you'll have to buy and scan it, or buy and send it in to get scanned. Just don't forget to share it afterwards.

Anonymous No.77882056 Report


I am the anon that stated why there are no OEF versions of FFG's Star Wars games(>>77880286), where to find the scans of the original (>>77881148), and that the 30th Anniversary edition is just a reprint (>>77881369).

Anonymous No.77882238 Report

Be less angry, read more, and make sure to reply to the right people.

Anonymous No.77882391 Report

>make sure to reply to the right people
That's my point... the anon (>>77881627) replied directly to me (again...>>77881369) to state that this is a reprint (again...LITERALLY replying to the my post stating that this is just a reprint). Then, I am told that I requested a copy of this in the first place... which I stated was not me (Again >>77882056).

Please take your own advice:
>read more, and make sure to reply to the right people

Anonymous No.77882671 Report

if that >>77881369 is you then you're dense as a brick and should really make sure to reply to the right people

Anonymous No.77882831 Report

>reply to the right people
In that post, I literally just replied to someone stating that the WEG logo was on the cover (>>77871417) and someone stating that FFG's reprint is not in the FFG trove (>>77880954).

So what is your point? My reply was deliberately intended for both and you have yet to state HOW that implies that I was either requesting it myself or incorrectly replying to someone.

Anonymous No.77882989 Report

Quoted By:

btw, your sarcasm monitor is broken.

Anonymous No.77883013 Report

Quoted By:

>So what is your point?
Not that anon, but I'll hazard a guess: Their point is that you're dense as a brick and missed the dripping sarcasm in of BOTH those posts you replied to. That you're just as dense as the anon who requested the scan. Maybe even denser, since the original anon at least stopped replying after being made fun of. But that's just a guess.

Anonymous No.77883068 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77883076 Report

Quoted By:

Is there a solid PDF of Liber Xenologis yet?

Anonymous No.77883084 Report

Quoted By:

your reading comprehension is pretty poor.
I (>>77880954) did not state 'that FFG's reprint is not in the FFG trove'

Anonymous No.77883903 Report

Quoted By:

Looking for following PF1 titles:
Plight of the Tuatha AP 2&3 by Mor Games
Citadel of Pain by Gaming Paper
Silver Box by Storm Bunny
Rise of Drow Collector's Ed. by AdventureAWeek
Lost Library of Thoth by Legendary Games
Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde by Nord Games

Anonymous No.77884247 Report

I own both editions and can confirm there are changes. None to the rules but some paragraphs have been totally rewritten and several images have been changed and updated, often times in far worse ways.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace map_preview.jpg, 516KiB, 1920x1080

Anonymous No.77884504 Report

Anyone know where I can find the detailed Doskvol street maps for Blades in the Dark? Only ever found dead links for it

Anonymous No.77884694 Report

Have you tried the Powered by the Apocalypse/Forged in the Dark trove listed in Da Curated Archive?

Anonymous No.77884722 Report

its not there anymore

Anonymous No.77884754 Report

Quoted By:

Found it, thanks!

Anonymous No.77884786 Report

Anonymous No.77884800 Report

Follow the thread.

Anonymous No.77884846 Report

Maybe bitch at the person making excuses for not actually looking, instead of the anon that takes less than 2 minutes to find exactly what was requested and upload a screenshot. Asshole.

Anonymous No.77884974 Report

You didn't follow the thread. You're following a different thread.

Anonymous No.77885021 Report

Quoted By:

You're right. I'm sorry for my retarded moment and outburst.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace [REQUEST] TME - THE MALL OF DOOM.jpg, 79KiB, 400x500

Anonymous No.77885740 Report

Quoted By:

Requesting The Mall of Doom

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Clegg-Darkshire.jpg, 111KiB, 900x1273

Anonymous No.77886097 Report

Requesting 'The Infinite Staircase' by Oliver Clegg/Darkshire. From DMs Guild. TYVM.

Anonymous No.77886125 Report

Quoted By:

Curious if anyone has a copy of The Fisherking by d20PFSRD Publishing (PF1e).
Appreciate any sharing help

Anonymous No.77886982 Report

Anyone got a copy of Sentinel Comics: RPG yet?

Anonymous No.77887053 Report

Quoted By:

a humble request for 2 recent 5e zines from Legendary Games:

The Dragon's Hoard #1
The Dragon's Hoard #2

Anonymous No.77887095 Report

Given its been all over the volas, I'm sure someone has it.

Anonymous No.77887702 Report

I've been looking at the dusty shelf, is there another one I should be keeping an eye on that you've seen it floating around on?

Anonymous No.77888140 Report

I looked thru the troves, I cannot seem to find this book.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of Golarion

Anonymous No.77888153 Report

Quoted By:

Has anyone got a FGU mod file for Tasha's Cauldron of Everything? Shit is too expensive to buy twice!

Anonymous No.77888308 Report

Did you try /OGL-d20 ?
Bet you didn't...

Anonymous No.77888485 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77888533 Report

Quoted By:

I don't seen that one in da annex.

Anonymous No.77888869 Report

Can someone put this back up?

Anonymous No.77888946 Report

Quoted By:

seconding this Journey to Ragnarok book

Anonymous No.77889006 Report

Looking for SKÜLLBOX #1. TIA

Anonymous No.77889072 Report

It hasn't been released yet...we only have the artless preview

Anonymous No.77889159 Report

I don't really care about art the preview's fine

Anonymous No.77889193 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77889242 Report

Then your Google-fu skills are shit. Try using keywords in your search, next time.

Anonymous No.77890525 Report

Quoted By:

Files in vola rooms disappear after 48 hours. Maybe post a request directly to one you're watching...

Anonymous No.77890543 Report

>Then your Google-fu skills are shit.
Same with their abilities to reason and deduce.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace Jethro Bodine.jpg, 20KiB, 400x350

Anonymous No.77890925 Report

Be kind, anons.
We all can't be double-naught spies or brain surgeons here.

NU No.77891361 Report

Quoted By:


OldDarb No.77891605 Report

Since we've hit post 310, let me say...
I remember the double-naught spy episode! With the ejector seat, and the hat that weighed like 40 pounds, and the one-way mirror that... oh wait I shouldn't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet.

Anonymous No.77891789 Report

As if there isn't some vast chasm of existence between brain surgeons (some of whom are lacking reasonable common sense) and the handout-begging pathetic morons on 4chan (who somehow manage to not constantly fall down and require the services of a brain surgeon to maintain daily functions)...

But sure, be kind to them. Coddle the idiots so they constantly remain annoying idiots.

Anonymous No.77892130 Report

The two-way mirror, the bulletproof coat, and the mandarin disguise were in another later episode (or two)


Anonymous No.77892158 Report

I'm kind to them because I hope they become inventors, anon.

Anonymous No.77892244 Report

Quoted By:

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace elly-may-clampett-gun.jpg, 82KiB, 460x562

Anonymous No.77892716 Report

Special thanks to all the Curators and other nice people here, Stay awesome!
Nice manners use up less posts, and increases the chances of making new friends.


What Would Dritte Do?

Anonymous No.77893130 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77893752 Report

Can someone help a smoothbrain? I can't find the D&D DM Guide. Player guides and homebrew shit for days in the trove links but can't find the DM stuff

Anonymous No.77893830 Report

Quoted By:

a) the dm's stuff would be in the same place and 2) read the OP: >* We're NOT affiliated with thetrove<dot>is, and CANNOT help with inquiries regarding that site.

Anonymous No.77893900 Report

Requesting Flying Circus and/or its expansion if anyone has them on hand

Anonymous No.77894040 Report

Always the same old elitist and angry talk... When will some people notice that elitism and piracy don't merge?

Sure, if some answers are already in the thread or other means, we should point people towards them, but why necessarily in a hateful and arrogant way? Kindness doesn't hurt. You can be gentle while still pointing people to the right direction; you can teach without being rude.

Anonymous No.77894648 Report

Quoted By:

How fucking stupid do you have to be to equate intelligence with elitism?

Evidently, as fucking stupid as you are with your sanctimonious untrue declarations about mergers and some bullshit about teaching those who refuse to do for themselves...

Anonymous No.77895052 Report

Quoted By:

well then, someone will need to pony up the dough and send it to a scanner to be destroyed, so whiny guy up thread can get his PDF copy.
Or not.

View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAOTrace pic4234209.jpg, 1MiB, 4032x1960

Anonymous No.77895315 Report

Quoted By:

Anonymous No.77895358 Report

Quoted By:

Look for the game system in Da Curated, it's in there.

OldDarb No.77895383 Report

Quoted By:

What does she need a gun for? She could hit a clay pigeon with her slingshot!

Source: http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/77791240/

Posted by: sonnysonnychapkoe0303573.blogspot.com